HAPPINESS HABITS: 10 Ways to Self-care & Self-love

yellow flower in close up shot

Sabotaging one’s happiness can often occur unintentionally, as individuals may inadvertently fall into detrimental happiness habits. However, recognizing these patterns and proactively making changes can lead to a more fulfilling life.

These happiness habits encompass the behaviors and thought processes that undermine our well-being, such as negative self-talk, perfectionism, or the constant comparison with others. By developing awareness of these habits and actively working to replace them with more positive and self-nurturing practices, individuals can pave the way for a greater sense of contentment and happiness. It’s important to understand that the journey towards a happier life often begins with this recognition and a commitment to cultivating healthier happiness habits.

“Success is the product of daily habits – not once in a lifetime transformations.”

James Clear (Atomic Habits)

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Here are 10 ways you might be sabotaging your happiness:

Negative Self-Talk:

Constantly engaging in self-criticism and negative self-talk can erode self-esteem and happiness. Counter this by practicing self-compassion and challenging negative thoughts with evidence of your accomplishments and strengths.


Striving for perfection can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. Embrace the concept of “good enough” and celebrate your efforts and progress rather than fixating on flawless outcomes.

Comparison Trap:

Constantly comparing yourself to others, especially on social media, can make you feel inadequate. Focus on your own journey, set realistic goals, and limit exposure to situations that trigger comparison.


Spreading yourself too thin can lead to burnout and decreased happiness. Practice saying no when necessary and prioritize activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Neglecting Self-Care:

Ignoring your physical and emotional needs can lead to exhaustion and unhappiness. Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, relaxation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones.

Unhealthy Relationships:

Surrounding yourself with negative or toxic individuals can drain your energy and happiness. Cultivate relationships that are supportive, respectful, and nurturing.

Living in the Past or Future:

Dwelling on past regrets or worrying excessively about the future can prevent you from enjoying the present. Practice mindfulness to stay grounded and appreciate the here and now.

Lack of Boundaries:

Failing to set healthy boundaries can lead to feeling overwhelmed and taken advantage of. Learn to assertively communicate your needs and limits to maintain a healthy balance.

Ignoring Passions:

Neglecting your hobbies and passions can leave you feeling unfulfilled. Carve out time for activities that bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment.

Neglecting Self-Love:

Not prioritizing your own well-being can lead to burnout and a sense of emptiness. Practice self-love by acknowledging your worth, celebrating your achievements, and treating yourself with kindness.

10 ways to counteract these self-sabotaging behaviors:

Practice Self-Compassion:

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a friend facing challenges.

There are many ways to practice self-compassion. Positive self talk, affirmations, acknowledge your emotions, journaling, etc. You can find some journals I designed in the Products page.

Set Realistic Goals:

Break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps to celebrate your progress along the way.

I have found a planner that I am in love with! I purchased my closest three friends one for Christmas last year that’s how much I love them! Find it on Amazon.com. You wont regret it! There are many different options to choose from.

Limit Social Media:

Use social media mindfully, focusing on positive and inspiring content, and remind yourself that people often present an idealized version of their lives.

If you’re going to spend time on social media make it a positive and productive experience. Question if the people or pages you’re scrolling through actively adds to making your life better.

Prioritize Rest:

Ensure you’re getting enough sleep and rest to maintain your physical and mental well-being.

I’ve created a playlist on Spotify to help me sleep if I need some calming white noise.

Nurture Healthy Relationships:

Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and let go of relationships that are toxic or draining.

Practice Mindfulness:

Engage in mindfulness exercises to stay present, reduce stress, and appreciate the simple joys in life.

I have become frustrated trying to find a good bullet journal that I like to practice many of the mindfulness exercises that I speak about. So I created my own! Find me on Amazon.com. I am continuously designing and adding more journals for your enjoyment. Let me know if you have recommendations. Here is my favorite one so far! You can also read a previous blog post of mine that lists some helpful ideas that I enjoy doing to practice mindfulness. 🧘

Learn to Say No:

Understand that saying no is a form of self-care, allowing you to focus on your priorities and prevent burnout.

Here’s a previous post with a little blurb about not being a “yes” person. Scroll down to #6… your welcome. Or check this one out!

Engage in Regular Self-Care:

Develop a routine that includes activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and a sense of accomplishment.

There are SOO many ways to engage in self-care. Find what’s right for you and what YOU enjoy. Checkout my Pinterest board on Self-care for some inspiration. See one of my previous posts on raising your vibes geared towards self-care here. 🩶

Reconnect with Passions:

Dedicate time to activities you’re passionate about, whether it’s a creative pursuit, a sport, or a hobby.

Raise those vibes! I have a Pinterest board for that! 🤣

Affirm Your Worth:

Remind yourself daily of your value, talents, and accomplishments, and treat yourself with the same kindness you offer to others.

If you’re feeling stuck take a look at my Pinterest board of affirmations. You can also download some free PDF affirmations that I’ve created!

How we live is what makes us real

By recognizing and addressing these self-sabotaging behaviors and implementing positive happiness habits alongside self-care and self-love practices, you can profoundly transform your life into one that is happier, more meaningful, and deeply fulfilling. These happiness habits, which include nurturing self-compassion, setting achievable goals, and fostering healthier relationships, serve as the building blocks of lasting contentment.

Embracing these changes requires commitment and patience. It’s essential to understand that rewiring thought patterns and behavioral tendencies takes time and effort. However, the rewards that stem from this intentional journey toward self-improvement and greater well-being are immeasurable. As you gradually replace self-sabotage with these constructive practices, you’ll find yourself experiencing increased happiness, resilience, and a profound sense of fulfillment that can positively impact all aspects of your life.

Go forth and manifest great things!

I would love some feedback!

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